three things to remember for a successful launch party


1. Your logo - Now this one might seem obvious, but I encourage to think outside the box for different ways to incorporate your logo into the event - maybe it's projected onto a blank wall, maybe it's on the cups that hold the booze, maybe it's on a take-away (like a magnet or pin). you want guests leaving the party with your logo seared into their minds.

Having your logo in numerous places will also ensure it is captured in photos that will likely be posted online and it gives you the opportunity to come up with creative ways to show off the artwork, colours, and vibe that you worked so hard to create. You best believe that it is going to look like my logo threw up all over the place at my launch party next week!

2. Think about logistics - I know I know…logistics is the least sexy event term out there, but there is no way around it…no pun intended. I can’t stress enough how important it is to ensure that your floor plan is well though out….the first goal needs to be moving people AWAY from the door as they enter.

It’s likely that guests are going to show up thirsty so make sure your bar is set up at the other end of the room. Chances are your guests are hungry too so set the food up far enough away from the entrance of the party too. Aim to keep the room multi-dimensional (high and low tables, chairs, benches, etc) and ensure there is enough room for people to mix and mingle without feeling trapped in a small space. 

my launch party is in late November – so I gotta make sure I have thought about the one thing most people tend to forget – COAT CHECK! Nobody and I repeat NOBODY wants to carry their heavy jacket around the event with them. I’d say between late October to early May it’s something you should ALWAYS have at an event, this is a non-negotiable.

3. Include an experiential element - You want guests to walk away from your launch party feeling excited, engaged, and intrigued about what you are going to do next. A good way to ensure they have something to remember you and your brand by, is by including some type of experience that guests can participate in while they are at the party.

So, not only did they come by for a glass of bubbly but they were treated to a live artist – singer, dancers, painters or graffiti artists completing an art piece live while your event is taking place around them, they were photographed on a red carpet, they were invited to whiskey tasting at the end of one of the bars, etc. now, you want to make sure the experience you are providing for your guests makes sense and aligns with your brand – but there are so many options out there. Including an experiential experience elevates your event and leaves your guests with something to talk about tomorrow around the water cooler or in their group chat or over coffee with their significant other.

Amanda Julia